From AirVenture 2008 – If I say that most CFIs make lousy business people, I’m unlikely to offend too many people … some for sure, just not too many I’ll wager. The reason is simple. Most CFIs do make lousy business people because teaching is often secondary to their desire to fly. That hurts us all and I’m certainly not the first person to connect flight instructors to a lack of marketing skills.
At AirVenture this week I realized something else. Most of us CFIs aren’t very savvy about public relations either.
So I’m trying to fix that right now by waving the flag, so to speak, about one of our own who was tonight recognized by my friend Bobby Sturgell, the FAA’s acting administrator, as being one of the best of the best as a flight instructor.
Max Trescott, a guy we’ve talked to before, a man who embarasses the heck out of me because he runs such a successful independent flight instruction business, received the CFI of the Year award at AirVenture 2008.
There is only one thing to say. Congratulations Max. You’re a credit to the profession. He and all the other CFI winners over the years are pilots we can and should look up to.
And another thing Max … you really do get the posture thing! Another lesson for us all.