Cost-Effective Very Light Jet Training Practices for Developing and Maintaining Pilot Competence: Hypoxia, Simulation, and Upset Training

“Cost-Effective Very Light Jet Training Practices for Developing and Maintaining Pilot Competence: Hypoxia, Simulation, and Upset Training (Rev 4.0),” International VLJ Training Stakeholders Discussion Group, 30 November 2008.

This 32 page document summarizes stakeholder comments between 21 October and 24 November 2008 relating to issues such as whether to apply technology or improve skill training; the weaknesses of economic decision-making; and lack of accountability. It further underscores the need for regulatory change.

Topics include: Hypoxia training; Use of simulation; Upset training.

(File: Cost Effective Training Discussion, Hypoxia and Upset Training, rev 4.0, 30 Nov 08)