As if President Obama’s anger over the security leak that allowed a Nigerian man to nearly blow up a Delta Airlines flight inbound to Detroit on Christmas were not enough, the White House now needs to contend with a PR quagmire created entirely by the TSA. Two aviation bloggers were yesterday served with subpoenas demanding they release the name of the source they used to obtain a security document the Department of Homeland Security said should not have been made public.
This is sure to become a precedent setting confrontation between journalists/communicators and the administration.
We spoke to Runway Girl, Mary Kirby, a blogger and journalist who was right in the middle of the debacle.
howie says
Great interview! Thanks for putting this together
Jimmy Burnett says
This is just what us bloggers would have needed, the government telling us what we can and can not publish on our blogs. I find it ironic how quickly TSA dropped the idea of Subpoenas.
shandra@lkjhlk says
I don’t think the government can direct us bloggers what we can and cannot publish on our own blogs. If they did that, they are against the law about freedom to speech and shares information to others. This is really a great interview. Agree to howie